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Social Director

Alternate Terms (Primary Users):

Mirroring (N/A)
Anticipation  (N/A)
Free Will Agent Modeling (N/A)


Social Director can do artificial intelligence but the reverse is not true. 

Example Concept:

The Social Director is responsible for extending individually finite amounts of Selective and Executive Director resources by leveraging others' decisions. The world is rich with spatially and temporally changing stimuli. Each person is limited by finite sensory and processing resources to make sense of the world.  The Selective and Executive Directors help build up an actionable intelligence picture. These operate by directing resources towards the precise set of information that fit the specific desired goal.  The Social Director vastly upgrades the actionable intelligence picture by connecting to others' intelligence.

Social Direction is not simply a computational approach. A machine purpose engineered for operating in a given environment would have available extensible sensors and processing power. A person has only 2 eyes. A machine can easily attach and process thousands or more. However, this is not Social Direction. 

The difference is that Social Direction among personnel does not allow Person A to directly see what Person B sees like a massive many-eyed machine. Rather, it means Person A can see what Person B does, and in so doing infer what Person B must have seen. Person A may then freely decide on the same course of action (emulation) or elect another, whichever is in their best interest. This inference both conveys far more information in a compressed form and leverages the other person's decision intelligence rather than simply their physical processing capability. Social Learning treats each member as an active decision-making person rather than a resource rich but passive machine.

Understanding the Social Director is a key to understanding Executive Intelligence.

Neurological Evidence:

Did you know that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex region of the brain contains the inferior frontal gyrus, which appears vital to interpersonal anticipation and mirroring?  For example, speech Magnetic Resonance Imaging analyses show that the temporal cortex (Wernicke's Region) is active while generating object words while the prefrontal cortex is active while generating grammar words.   Object words convey concrete information (i.e. "Lion.  Tree.  Up.") meant to inform the listener about the environment.  Grammar words convey abstract information (i.e. "Dear Sir, it is incumbent upon me to inform you that you are in imminent danger...") meant to inform the listener about the speaker.  A listener may trust the speaker using the same grammar more in the same way they would dismiss a poorly written letter with spelling errors as a scam.


Social Director in Action.


Person A and Person B are close-knit members of a house, for example, and they know each other's decision capabilities. Simply observing each others' actions conveys the entire environment in a highly compressed and intelligent form, even if they are separated. 

Person A and Person B are strangers. Even if they are adjacent in the same environment, seeing each other's actions conveys very little information since they do not know how each reacts. 

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