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εxecutive Intelligence Labs

How It Works

The greatest challenge for typical automated approaches is in procuring massive amounts of rules and data for blackbox cleansing, filtering, and balancing. Massive numbers of programmers and data scientists need to clean out all potential corruptions lest the final product mysteriously introduce catastrophic, random errors in judgment.

In contrast, our approach is grounded in transparent business management and neuropsychiatry where there is no need for massive amounts of complicated rules and data. Where there is a marked emphasis on transparency, reasoning, and trust building. Where there is mature developed growth even in the face of various conflicting environments.

Our peer reviewed theoretical research and our practical, production implementations are open and integrated to fit. We know how businesses work. This is Executive Intelligence. Understanding this enables us to move far beyond even the most advanced Deep Learning, Neural Network, and Machine Learning approaches of Artificial Intelligence today.

Three subsidiary departments, each an entire research & development track on its own, fit together into the mosaic Executive Intelligence.

Selective Director
Executive Director
Social Director
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